Long time no blog!!?? It has been quite a while since we've last updated the blog -- my apologies. Quite honestly though, the transition from summer to fall is always a bit slow, and there just simply isn't much going on during that time. But thankfully with the beautiful fall weather, comes lots of new crops! Take a look>
We've got lots and lots of greens right now, and later we should have some broccoli in addition to some more surprises I'm sure Mark has planted...
There is also a really neat variety of radish growing in the garden. They are called Easter Egg radishes because they come in variety of colors. They're like M&M's but healthier...
To make room for new fall/winter crops, Mark and a volunteer from GA Organics have been busy clearing out the green house in addition to the last of the tomatoes and melons.
So all in all, I think we've had a pretty good season thus far. We didn't get as much rain as we wanted during the summer (do we ever?), but we've been very lucky to have such a luscious garden this fall. We hope next summer we will have enough food to attend market all summer long, but we are thankful our CSA program was a success.
We only have about a month left for our CSA, and then it will be time to hibernate once again. I hope you all enjoy this beautiful weather while it lasts- I know Olivia, the chickens and Peanut will...
Take Care,