I thought I would let everyone know what's currently growing on the farm. We've officially entered the summer season as far as vegetables go. Now you can find more hearty vegetables on the farm as opposed to the thinner greens we grow during spring. Take a look...
Our first melon of the season.. and lots and lots of tomatoes...
I'm very excited about the Bell Peppers.. they are so photogenic...
Here are the cucumber plants-
And we planted more arugula .. it should be ready soon.
And good news! Our salad mix grew back, so we should have just enough for one more harvest for market this Saturday. Come on out and get a bag o'greens!
Our squash and potatoes are still growing...
And these are one of my favorite surprises of the summer... We never know how tall they will get. These are about 6 1/2 ft.
Also, these stickers have been very popular at market..
We hope you're enjoying summer and all the wonderful food it brings!
Take Care,
Elizabeth and Hall